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2007-2014, Steigerwald EDV™ Verlag, all rights reserved. Dungeons
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EDV™ are trademarks of Steigerwald EDV Verlag. LINUX®
is a registered trademark of the Linux Mark Institute. Dungeons
& Dragons®, D&D®, d20® and Forgotten Realms® are registered
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast® Inc. |
Current: November 15, 2014
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older versions! 4th
Edition Downloads:
Edition Reference Documents The reference documents include
the texts and all open game content from the original PDF books, bit in the
fully editable .odt format of OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice.org. These texts also can be opened in current editions
of Microsoft Word. In addition, the reference documents
include all of the JPG versions of the maps, dungeon plans, floor plans and
scenarios as well as other open game content graphics from the original PDFs. These
graphics can be extracted from the texts with these steps: 1. Click the graphic with the mouse, to mark
it. 2. Copy it into the Windows Clipboard (Ctrl + C). 3. Open the graphic in which you wish to
memorize it. 4. Insert the graphic from the clipboard (Ctrl
+ V). 5. Memorize.